
Creating a Perfect College Organization System

I’ve tried out a ton of different organizational systems throughout my college career. There’s just so much to do and so many dates to forget. Fortunately, I’ve come up with a system that work for me and makes sure that I never forget anything important, ever. Here’s how you too can do that the same.
creating a perfect college organization system: How to create a planning system that workss for you so you can get everything done.

1) Pick a medium.

You need a place where you will write down (or type) dates and things you need to do. Here’s the secret: there is no magic system. Most people prefer to use a planner because they contain everything you need in a portable book. That’s not the only option though. I actually use a combination of Google Calendar and a to-do list site called Todoist. I love this system because I can keep everything in my phone. You could even use post it notes. All that matters is that you have somewhere to write things down that works for you and that you will actually use.

2) Write down all of the important dates.

Go through all of your syllabuses and pick out the important dates: tests, big due dates, etc. Write these down somewhere you will see them later (the desk calendar that is always buried under textbooks that you never check doesn’t count). Even if the tests aren’t for months, write them down now so you won’t be blindsided when they actually come up.

3) Write down your weekly to do list.

At the beginning of every week, sit down with all of your syllabuses and write down everything you need to do that week. This includes any reading, studying, and assignments you may have. Nothing is too small for the list. In fact, I like to break big assignments up into smaller chunks so they’re more manageable.

4) Plan ahead for the week.

Look at everything that you have written down for the week and plan out when you’re going to do it during the week. If you have a lot of things due on Thursday, maybe you should spread them out a little in the beginning of the week so you’re not overwhelmed on Wednesday night. Make a plan for what you will accomplish everyday, and be sure to leave yourself enough time to accomplish bigger tasks.

5) Stick to it.

Check your calendar at least weekly so you know what’s coming up, and use your to do list everyday. As you finish things, cross them off (or delete them or whatever works for your system). If you don’t finish something, roll it over to the next day. Never just leave anything hanging or you’ll forget about it.

6) Experiment with new systems.

If you find that something isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to scrap it and try something else. A system is only a good system if it works for you. The steps above are just a guideline, a jumping-off point.

That’s it. It takes a little bit of dedication, especially the once-a-week planning session, but its worth it. You won’t forget any homework and you’ll be able to plan ahead and spread out assignments so you’re never too busy. I promise, a little bit of organization makes everything so much easier. Stick with for a while and you’ll see.

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