Hello Kymberly Ann


July Recap + August Goals

I can’t believe that it’s time to write another one of these. Where did July go? I am super excited for August because back-to-school season is one of my favorites, and I’m super excited for my classes this semester. Plus, it should start to cool down a bit this month, which I am so ready for! It’s been much too hot  ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Roommate Agreement Meetings

You’ve probably heard about roommate agreement meetings, but maybe you don’t know how to best go about holding one. It’s awkward sitting down with all of your roommates and discussing your house rules, but it’s super important. If you establish clear rules now, it’ll be much less awkward later on when issues  ...

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How To Rock Move In Day

Move in day is crazy. You’re super excited (and maybe a little bit terrified, which is okay too!). You have to get everything you own from your car and possibly up several flights of stairs, without getting in the way of the hundreds of other students also moving in. You want to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible,  ...

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How to Actually Pack for College

You’ve read all of the lists, you’ve done your dorm shopping, and now… you have a huge pile of stuff sitting in your house that you somehow need to get to school. Packing seems easy until you actually start, and then it actually becomes pretty overwhelming. Plus, you have to take into account the fact that you actually have  ...

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Dorm Tour: Summer 2016

I know that a lot of you are probably getting excited to move into your dorms soon, and so I thought I’d show you my current dorm for some inspiration! Yes, I live in a dorm during the summer. I work on campus, so it’s super convenient. Plus at least at my school there are never enough people to fill all of the dorms in the summer,  ...

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How to Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home

You’re super excited to move into your dorm room, I know. You’ve been dreaming about since you were a kid, and now it’s finally happening. And then you actually get there, and the room is a lot smaller and much less glamourous than the ones you’ve seen all over Pinterest and Tumblr. Once you move all of your stuff in, your dorm room feels  ...

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5 Habits to Get Into Before the Semester Starts

Let’s get real, summer is going by much too quickly. I can’t believe it’s more than half over! Depending on when your school starts, there is only about a month or a month and a half left until you’re back on campus. Of course, you want to make sure to enjoy the rest of your summer, but if you’re anything like me, you need a little  ...

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June Recap + July Goals

Hey guys! I have no idea how we’re already five days into July, but I figured this post was better late than never. I love it when other bloggers share their monthly recaps and goals, so I figured that I might as well get in on the fun! June Recap: June was an exciting month around here because I started this blog! I officially launched  ...

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How to Make a Budget in College

Maybe you’re getting financial aid or taking out student loans. Maybe you’ve worked hard all summer so you don’t have to work during the year. Maybe your job is like mine and your semester’s pay comes in a lump at the beginning of the semester. There are a lot of scenarios where you end up with all or a lot of the money  ...

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How to Buy and Save on Textbooks

College is incredibly expensive. You fork out a ton of money for tuition and student fees and finally register for classes, and then suddenly your professors are asking you to spend hundreds of dollars more on textbooks. You can’t afford that. You don’t want to afford that! Who spends that much money on books anyway? Luckily, there are ways to  ...

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